Artisan® gives you the ability to tailor the Spell Checking options so it can skip any bits you don't want it to check for (such as ignoring anything typed in UPPERCASE). You also have the ability to add your own words to your User Dictionary so it will stop flagging a name or phrase when it's spelled how you want it.
Step 1: Click your profile photo in the upper right (if in Artisan 4 or 5 please click the blue question mark).
Step 2: From the menu choose Settings.
Step 3: In the pop-up window navigate to the Spell Checking tab, and you will have the option to update the following areas...
- Show spelling errors in editor
- Suggest from main dictionary only
- Ignore words in UPPERCASE
- Ignore words with numbers
- Ignore internet addresses and emails
- Always suggest corrections
- Ignore import case (e.g. "australia", "tAble")
There is also a button to see your User Dictionary, so you can add words you use often that could be seen as an incorrect spelling (such as a last name). If you've accidentally added a word to your User Dictionary you didn't mean to, you can click the X next to the word to remove it from this list.