Artisan Subscription FAQs
Q1: Can I still buy a perpetual license to Artisan 6 through January 31 at 11:59pm PT?
A: Yes. A license to use Artisan 6 only is available for $159.99. This is not for future versions of Artisan.
Q2: When will Artisan 7/Next Generation be launched?
A: Our goal is to launch the next version in 2026. We will support Artisan 6 for years, but not ongoing. As we continue to develop and improve new Artisan software, our focus will shift away from Artisan 6. Over time, this means Artisan 6 will receive less support and, eventually, no longer be supported, as we invest our efforts into the new version.
Q3: What’s the new Artisan subscription price?
A: Beginning February 1, 2025, Artisan will be available as a subscription for $99.99 per year; or a one-time payment of $999.99 for lifetime access of Artisan; or 5 annual payments of $279.99 for lifetime access of Artisan.
Q4: Does the subscription or lifetime payment cover all future versions?
A: Yes, including all future features, operating system configurations, maintenance, and security updates.
Q5: What happens to my project files if I don’t renew or can’t pay my subscription?
A: Nothing. They remain available to you upon reactivation of your subscription.
Q6: What happens to my tagging & organization for Digital Art if I cancel my subscription?
A: Nothing. They remain available to you upon reactivation of your subscription.
Q7: Can I use my Artisan subscription software offline?
A: Yes, provided that your subscription is current, or you have made a lifetime payment(s). Please note that you are required to re-connect via internet access every 90 days to receive important security updates, accurate product information, and the latest features.
Q8: Can I gift an Artisan Subscription to someone else?
A: Yes!
Q9: Will my Digital Artwork in Artisan move forward (Artisan 6 to Artisan 7/Next Generation)?
A: Yes, provided that your subscription is current, or you have made a lifetime payment(s). If your Digital Art currently works with your software, it will continue to work with your software moving forward.
Q10: Will Artisan still be licensed for 2 computers?
A: With an Artisan subscription, you may log in to as many devices as you wish, as this will be tied to your specific account and content.
Q11: Is a lifetime payment license transferable?
A: No, the lifetime payment license is not transferable.