Collaborative Albums are a great way to allow others to upload memories to an Album on your account. There are two main steps to accomplish this. First is to ensure the Album is set to be collaborative, and second is to provide the link so they can upload directly to it.
Creating a Collaborative Album
- Navigate to the Album you want to make collaborative.
- At the top right click the Share button (middle triangle option pictured below).
- You should now have the Share window pop up. In this window find the section that says Allow anyone with the link to upload, and checkmark the box next to it.
- It should now look like this to indicate it has been checked.
- Be sure to click Save when closing this window so the changes are implemented.
To stop the collaborative option simply follow the steps above but UNcheck the option in step 4.
How Others Can Upload to a Collaborative Album
IMPORTANT: At this time it is not possible for Connections to navigate to a shared Album to upload there. Even if the Album is marked as collaborative, others must be send a Share Link to be able to access the ability to upload there.
- After following the steps above to ensure the Album is collaborative, you can Copy Link or get QR Code from the Share window - Send this link/QR code to anyone you want to have access to upload to this specific Album.
- The other person will follow that link/QR code. If they are not logged in to a FOREVER account they can only view the memories. To be able to upload they must Sign Up or Login; this is for safety and security of all accounts so the memories uploaded can be monitored and reviewed by the account owner.
- They will then have access to Add Files either directly from their device or from their personal account's Gallery.
- Once uploaded to the collaborative Album, only the account owner and their Account Managers have the ability to edit those files. If something was uploaded accidentally or put in the wrong Album, you will need to contact the account owner to get that corrected.
CLICK HERE to check out FAQs on Collaborative Albums.