Public Search makes it easy for everyone to share their FOREVER Accounts to the extent they choose. Public Search will allow people who are new to FOREVER to easily find distant relatives, close friends, or local organizations (like clubs, historical societies, sports team, school classes, or sororities) and connect with them. Simply direct people to to search for an account or organization.
1. QUESTION Do I need to be logged into FOREVER to search for accounts?
ANSWER No. You can now search directly from the FOREVER home page via the search bar labeled “Search for People and Organizations.” You can also click on the magnifying glass icon in the top right of the screen from any page on the website to get to the search page.
2. QUESTION Will my Profile show up in search results if all my albums are private?
ANSWER Yes, your Profile will appear in the search results but only your name and bio will be seen if you have no public albums. Rest assured that your private content will always be private unless you choose to change that. FOREVER seeks to makes it is easy to share and preserve your legacy for generations. By allowing people who are new to FOREVER to search for people they know, we are allowing people to find
and connect with their loved ones and learn about their family history.
3. QUESTION What will people see when they visit my Profile?
ANSWER People who you are not your Connections at FOREVER will only see albums you made public. People who are Connections will be able to see albums you’ve marked as Connections in addition to your public albums. Everyone will be able to see your profile picture and bio. If you’d like to preview what your profile looks like to different audiences, check out the “View As” feature in the top right corner of your profile screen.
4. QUESTION How are the search results sorted?
ANSWER The search results give priority to accounts that are a close match to the name you search and accounts that contain public content. So, if you search for “Kathy,” Kathy Z may appear above Kathy A if Kathy Z has a public album but Kathy A only has private albums.
5. QUESTION Can I search for photos and tags?
ANSWER No, you can only search for FOREVER account names.
6. QUESTION What information is available for the public to view on photos contained within public FOREVER albums?
ANSWER People will be able to see the file’s name, description, size, date taken, date uploaded, tags (although people will not be able to click on and see everything associated with that tag), and the name of any public albums in which the photo is organized.
7. QUESTION Since FOREVER is now allowing Public Search so that people can find other accounts more easily, does this mean that FOREVER will now allow datamining or advertising?
ANSWER No, you own your FOREVER Storage® account and its contents. This means we will never data mine your account or provide access and information to advertisers.