If you're organizing People without the use of FOREVER® Facial Recognition in your photos and run into any issues, here are some easy steps to help you out:
1. The Wrong Person is Assigned to a Photo
- Fix it: Open the photo, click on the incorrect person's name, and choose the correct person from the drop-down menu. If their name is already in the system, it will appear for you to select.
2. A Face Wasn't Detected in the Photo
- Add them manually: Select the photo, click Organize, then choose Add People. You can manually tag the missing face in the photo.
3. You Don’t Want Certain Faces to Show
- Hide them: If there are faces you don’t want to see, open the Show/Hide menu and bulk hide those people or right-click on a person in your People list and hide a single person. While you can’t delete people, you can hide them from view.
4. You Have Duplicates of the Same Person
- Merge them: If you have multiple entries for the same person, you can merge them into one. Either right-click on the main person’s name to merge up to 18 duplicates at once, or merge individuals one by one. If you manually created People at any point, though, we suggest that you merge the facially recognized person into the manually created person and not the other way around.