FOREVER enables you to determine how your Forever Account and Content are preserved and managed after your death. Through your Preservation Settings in your Account, you may decide who is your Account Manager(s)* and when your Content is made Public or kept Private.
*You are not required to have an Account Manager. If you do not designate an Account Manager, then FOREVER will act as your Account Manager, and manage your Content as you have designated in your Preservation settings.
Picture This: Preservation Settings & Setting an Account Manager
In the case of your death, FOREVER will accept receipt of a copy of a valid death certificate or other valid death notice as notification of the date of death of a Forever Account Owner, Account Manager, or another authorized user. Please have your family members reach out to or call 1-888-FOREVER for assistance.
When someone passes away, getting their digital affairs in order can be difficult to manage but we're here to help. Please download and print this document outlining your requests and add it to a safe place along with your last will and testament. Make sure your Account Manager or a trusted family member has a printed copy as well.
Learn more about our Terms of Service.
You can download your own copy to fill out and upload here: