In your FOREVER® Storage you have the ability to edit any image you’ve uploaded into your account. This includes cropping, adding filters, adjusting brightness or contrast, adding text, and more!
To access these features, simply click on the photo you wish to work on and click "Edit" at the top.
When finished editing, you will see a COPY made of the original file with the edits applied. You can choose to delete the original version or keep it along with your new edited copy. Below is an overview of the different options available to you as you work on adjusting and perfecting your precious family memorabilia. These editing options will be on the left or bottom of your screen, depending on your screen size:
- Transform
- Filters
- Adjust
- Focus
- Frames
- Overlays
- Text
- Stickers
- Brush
NOTE: Click on SAVE in the upper corner to finalize and "lock in" your edits made. Alternatively, click CLOSE to cancel without saving any changes made.
You can transform the photo through cropping, mirroring, and rotating.
When using the cropping tool, you have the ability to custom-resize your photo or use one of the suggested sizes. The default sizes (such as Facebook Title or Instagram Story) are already the proper ratio to be able to directly post to their applicable social media site. Here you can also mirror the image to flip it either horizontal or vertical and rotate with the options at the bottom of the screen within Transform. A rotation adjusting bar is also within this editing window for minor manual adjustments. You can click to other editing options to continue working, then press the SAVE button to apply these changes.
You can apply a filter to the entire photo.
These filters are separated into different categories based on what the filter does. Click on a category to open all the filter options, then click an option from here to apply it to the photo. You can adjust the saturation of these effects by altering the Filter Intensity, and even Remove Filter entirely from this edit. You can click to other editing options to continue working, then press the SAVE button to apply these changes.
With this you can manually adjust balances on the photo.
Here lies an assortment of options, including Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Gamma, Clarity, Shadows, Highlights, Exposure, and more. Adjust the slider bars for further control over each area. You can continue switching between these until you are satisfied, then you can click to other editing options to continue working, then press the SAVE button to apply these changes.
Pinpoint exactly where you want other's eyes to be drawn to when viewing the photo by having them focus on a particular spot.
You can choose between Radial, Mirror, Linear, or Gaussian. Notice how the kids are clear and the edges are blurry now after applying the radial focus adjuster. Upon choosing one of these options, you then have the additional abilities to adjust the size of your focus range (by clicking on the white circle and dragging to resize) and determine the strength/intensity of your blur in the background. You can click to other editing options to continue working, then press the SAVE button to apply these changes.
Add a frame around the photo for extra pizazz.
Pick one of the displayed designed, then you can adjust the opacity, size, and color to truly customize it. You can click to other editing options to continue working, then press the SAVE button to apply these changes.
Add a texture or additional effect with an overlay on the photo.
Choose which type you want on the image, then you can adjust the Blend Mode and Opacity. This example has a soft crumpled paper texture. You can click to other editing options to continue working, then press the SAVE button to apply these changes.
Add additional documentation directly through text onto an image.
You can apply multiple text boxes then adjust the font type, size, alignment, and line spacing. You may customize the color of your font as well as the text box's background. To change the orientation, grab the corners of the box to resize, move and rotate. Additionally, you can duplicate or completely delete the text box from your edit. You can click to other editing options to continue working, then press the SAVE button to apply these changes.
For a playful touch, you can place stickers!
Click on a preset category or upload your own element to apply as a sticker. You can change the opacity and color. To change the orientation, grab the corners of the box to resize, move and rotate. By selecting the element you can flip the display, duplicate, and delete it. You can click to other editing options to continue working, then press the SAVE button to apply these changes.
Draw directly on your photo with a digital brush.
You can adjust the intensity, size, and color of your paintbrush. In order to undo any actions you made, select the Undo button in the upper corner. You can click to other editing options to continue working, then press the SAVE button to apply these changes.
Final Saving
Once completely satisfied with your photo’s alterations, hit the SAVE button in the upper corner of your screen to preserve all of your edits. Once finished, you will be brought to the newly edited image's lightbox view. The original version will remain in your account. You can choose to keep both the original image and the edited one, or just save the new one for your Storage.