We want to make it as easy as possible for you to grow your business – and that starts with sharing FOREVER far and wide! With this report, you will be able to easily see new users who sign up with you as their Ambassador and monitor where they are in the process of becoming a paying client.
Search users by name or email address, sort by Sign-Up Date, or filter by Status. You can use these tools to follow up with sign-ups who haven’t yet confirmed their email address or used their Welcome Coupon. You can also see who has become a paying client and follow up with them to make sure they’re happy with their first purchase. There’s even a Monthly Summary snapshot so you can see how close you are to achieving your monthly goals!
We are confident that these exciting new tools will enable you to grow your Ambassador business more effectively than ever before. Set goals, monitor new user sign-ups and paying clients, and take action to achieve success! To learn more about how to use this report most effectively, check out it out at forever.com/back_office/new_users and read the Frequently Asked Questions below.
1. QUESTION How will the New Users & Clients Report help me grow my business?
ANSWER It’s simple: this new report brings your important new user & client information right to your fingertips! We want to provide you with the information you need to turn prospects into paying clients. In this report, you can see New User Sign-ups, New Confirmed Users, and New Paying Clients all in one central location. Using these tools, you’ll be able to grow your business and meet your FOREVER goals!
2. QUESTION Where can I find my New Users & Clients Report?
ANSWER To access your New Users & Clients Report, simply log into your FOREVER Account, navigate to your Back Office, and click “New Users & Clients” under the Overview section on the left side of the screen. Or, simply type forever.com/back_office/ new_users into your browser!
3. QUESTION What do the metrics under “Your Monthly Summary” mean?
ANSWER Your Monthly Summary reflects your statistics for the current calendar month only.
- “New User Sign-ups” shows all the new users who have signed up for FOREVER with you as their Ambassador this month.
- “New Confirmed Users” shows the users who have confirmed their email address with you as their Ambassador this month.
- “New Paying Clients” shows users who have made their first purchase with you as their Ambassador and their order value before coupons, deals, and gift certificates totaled greater than $0. (If they purchase free digital art, they are not included). If their order value after coupons, deals, and gift certificates is equal to $0, they are not considered a “true” paying client and will be excluded as it relates to the Star Success Plan or any other contests or metrics related to Paying Clients.
- "Guest User" Are users that have navigated to FOREVER via either your Ambassador Link or searched by name after setting up an account and HAVE NOT confirmed their email with you as their Ambassador and have started a project or made a purchase.
- "Unconfirmed Users" shows the users who have not confirmed their email address with you as their Ambassador.
For more information, click “Show Report” under any of the three metrics. The users and clients associated with that metric will populate in the “New Users & Clients Status Report” below! Please note that if any of these metrics are “0” then the “Show Report” link with be disabled.
4. QUESTION When a user or client updates their Ambassador to me, why might some of the metrics under “Your Monthly Summary” not update?
ANSWER If a user or client switches their Ambassador to you, they will always show up under your “New Users & Clients Status Report.” However, in “Your Monthly Summary,” they will only be reflected under “New User Sign-ups” if they signed up this month, “New Confirmed Users” if they confirmed their email address this month, and “New Paying Clients” if they made their first purchase this month with you as their Ambassador.
5. QUESTION How do I use the filters under the “New Users & Clients Status Report”?
ANSWER While your Monthly Summary only displays information from the current month, the Status Report displays the status of all users and clients who have you listed as their Ambassador. You can use the search bar to find users by name or email address, sort by Sign-Up Date, or filter by Status (Unconfirmed Email, Confirmed Email, Non-Paying User, Paying Client, or Unexpired Welcome Code). These filters will give you the information you need to follow up with each user or client!
6. QUESTION What does “Unexpired Code” under “Filter By Status” display?
ANSWER The “Unexpired Code” filter is used to track users whose Welcome Coupon is still valid but has not been used. It gives you a chance to reach out to them personally and resend them their code!
7. QUESTION What happens when I click on a hyperlinked Order # in the Status Report?
ANSWER When you click on a hyperlinked Order # in your New Users & Client Status Report, you are able to see the details of that paying client’s first purchase. This allows you to determine how best to follow up with them!
8. QUESTION Why are there some Order #s associated with my paying clients that are not hyperlinked?
ANSWER Hyperlinks are only shown for first orders made by clients who have you listed as their Ambassador at the time of purchase. If your client made their first purchase with no Ambassador or under a different Ambassador and subsequently switched to you as their Ambassador, the contents of that order won’t have information pertinent to your sales goals and will not be shown in the report. Additionally, this user will not affect your Monthly Summary metrics.