Unfortunately, the Creative Memories StoryBook Creator and Memory Manager are no longer supported, nor can they be activated on new machines. While users can continue to use them on their current machines if they choose, we recommend moving to FOREVER's Artisan® software (compatible with StoryBook Creator 4) and FOREVER's Historian™ software (compatible with Memory Manager 4). Both FOREVER® applications are being regularly updated. Also, Artisan® has a number of features not available in StoryBook Creator.
To purchase the software, visit these pages:
Artisan® 6 Full Version - https://www.forever.com/artisan
Historian™ 6 - https://www.forever.com/historian
For further information on switching from Memory Manager to Historian™, please check out this great guide put together by our pixels2Pages team - CLICK HERE.
Additionally, Artisan® looks very similar to StoryBook Creator 4.0. There have been some significant functions added, but the screen will be familiar and easy to navigate. For assistance in getting started with the new software, pixels2Pages™ put together several great free resources - CLICK HERE.