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Please change "Proceed to Place My Order" to REVIEW MY ORDER




  • Official comment
    Matt Gray

    Thanks to everyone for their feedback! This has been completed so we'll close the comments! 

  • Suzanne Kubec

    Great idea! I just did this yesterday when I thought I purchased my book. Thanks for suggesting it.

  • Stacia DeLeon

    Totally agree!  Having to click "Place My Order" twice has caused me to really have to stop and think about whether I'm purchasing, and more importantly paying for, the same digital artwork twice.  A "Review My Order" button would eliminate that confusion.  

  • Jodi Cattich

    Differentiating “review my order” and “place my order” buttons could eliminate a lot of confusion with people believing, mistakenly, that they had placed their order. This could prevent delays in receiving special projects back for some happy occasions for customers (like invitations!) Thanks!

  • Phyllis Hoffman Offenkrantz

    Yes, this has happened to me and I'm an Ambassador! Great suggestion

  • Ladner, Mary Anne

    I have wondered if they could change the final color  of the place my order button so that the client knows it is complete when they see that color  eg blue. 

    Review my order is one color, Completed order is a different color.

  • Jeni Meyer

    I like "review" better too.  I've had clients who thought they placed an order, but it was still sitting in their cart because they didn't do the final click (and couldn't see the final button to click unless they scrolled more).

  • Kris Walz

    Agreed!  I always tell my customers to "Click on 3 Green buttons until you get your order #".   I worry about customers that don't ask.  Verbage could be better here. 

  • Tammy Nye

    yes please!!

  • Sharyl Rapavy

    I have had this exact issue countless times. People from last year don't want to order again because they think FOREVER didn't send them what they purchased. They never reached out to me to let me know, so I had no way to follow up. And when I tell them that their order wasn't placed, they don't seem to completely believe me. I've also had people miss out on getting a deal because they thought they placed their order and then missed the deadline. I'd so appreciate a changing the wording so that this doesn't continue to happen.

  • Kathy Winters

    Yes--a simple change in verbiage would definitely help here!

  • Cheryl Freye

    Totally agree!  I've had this happen more than once with clients not realizing they needed to scroll down to finish.  

  • Michele Amsdill

    YES!!! I have done this too! Brilliant idea!

  • Shirley Dejarnette Wyatt

    Thank you I thought I had place my order once come to find out it didn’t go through.

  • Jessica Cegielski

    i agree!

  • Cindy Duffy

    I agree...Great suggestion!!!

  • Melodie Jones

    This is probably why my cousin said he ordered a book I made of our Grandparents and I never saw that he did. So when I texted him, he said he DID order it, but I knew he hadn’t. This also happened to me one time.

  • Sheri Caulkins

    Great idea! Please change! Also maybe adding “I am shopping with …..Ambassadors name”

    The more they see our names the better.

  • Glynn Banks

    Agreed!  I have had clients think they placed an order and didn't finish so they missed a sale.

  • Dawn Duhon

    Yes, please.  I do this myself occasionally.

  • Celeste Soong-Tang

    Yes please! Remove "proceed to place my order" or change the verbiage. It's very confusing, especially to newer clients. One elderly client of mine thought she had placed her order when she clicked on "Proceed to place your order" and her CLUB$ were automatically applied so the balance owing showed as $0. This has happened more than once. Thank you!

  • Jody Dixon

    I would love to see this changed.

  • Ladner, Mary Anne

    Yes, please change this, or as I once suggested a long time ago change the color for the final part of placing the order.  

  • Gladys Marietti

    Far too many mistakes have been made - you think your order is placed and then find out after a discount sale that the order did not go through. THIS NEEDS TO BE CHANGED STAT please! Correct this and make it easier for everyone to order.

  • Brenda Esdohr

    Happened to me…. I was wondering why my box hadn’t shown up ….


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