Mac Tip
How do I view the metadata of a picture I downloaded from
Solution #1:
After downloading from on your Mac computer, right click on the picture, select “Get Info." Look for the second section where it says, “More Info” and click on the little arrow. You will see the tags you applied in under keywords and other information about the downloaded picture.
Solution #2
After downloading from on your Mac computer, import to Photos, select picture, click on the “i” in the top left corner.
A popup shows the metadata that was added in FOREVER® plus any other metadata originally in the picture. If the picture was downloaded from Facebook or other social media, like in the example, it will lack camera information and the original name will be a long string of numbers or letters.
Solution # 3
After downloading from on your Mac computer, double click on the picture, which will open in PREVIEW. Select Tools / Show inspector. The magnifying glass shows the tags added in FOREVER®.
Solution # 4
Change the default settings in Finder and add the “i” inspector taskbar item. To do this, open Finder, choose View/Customize taskbar, select “Get Info” icon and drag it to the taskbar above. Now, when you select items in a folder after downloading from on your Mac computer, you can click in the “i” inspector icon and see the box in Solution #1 with the keywords in the “More Info” section.
Note: You can customize any of the taskbars in OSX and add the inspector icon where wanted (add it to Preview in Solution #3, for example, so you can get to the popup box in one click.)