Within your FOREVERĀ® account you have the option to create People, which allow you to curate a profile of a person in your life. That person will then have photos of them in their profile. It can let you quickly filter your Gallery to find photos to organize, or even allows you to create personalized projects for the person!
This article walks you through how to create a new person in your account, as well as how to edit an existing People profile.
Create a New Person
If your account has Facial Recognition, then People profiles will be created for you! Because of this auto-creation, you may have noticed many "Unnamed" profiles appear in the People tab - Learn more about options on how to handle an Unnamed profile. Otherwise you can skip down to "Editing a People Profile" for making changes or adding more information to them.
Alternatively, if you do not yet have Facial Recognition (or don't have photos of this person yet), you can go to the People tab in your FOREVER account and click the "Add Person" button in the upper right. From here you can create a new person's profile with any details you want to include. Don't worry about filling in every space, you can always come back to edit this at a later time!
Section 1 is for the Name of the person.
Section 2 is for Additional Details you want included with their profile.
Editing a People Profile
To edit an existing person's profile in the People tab, click in to view the person and all the photos that they're assigned to. Next, click the pencil icon in the upper right to Edit Details about the person.
You'll then have the same options as when creating a new person profile to update or add more for! Here's a quick list of each section and what to use it for...
- Title - A person's honorifics to denote rank, profession, or generally how to address them. For example, "Sir", "Lady", "Dr.", "Prof.", "Mr.", "Miss", etc.
- First/Middle/Last Name(s) - The name of the person whose profile this is. You can include as much or as little for their name here, so if you only know their First Name you can leave the other areas blank.
- Suffix - You can put generational designations (Sr, Jr, I, II, etc.) or even educational degrees (like MBA, PHD, Esq, etc.) to be part of their official profile name.
- Display Name - This will display for the person's People profile, overriding the prior name entered. It's a great way to display a more identifiable name for how they're related to you (such as "Aunt Jane", "John's son", "Mary (my sister-in-law)", or even "our kid's babysitter"). These names show only to you and your Account Managers so you can make it as specific as you need!
- Add Alternative Name - You can add other names for this person if it's different than what you put for the previously filled areas. These options include adding a Birth Name, Married Name, or for nicknames an Also Known As.
Additional Details (all optional)
- Bio - Write more about this person! Include life events, stories, achievements, or even notes you want remembered about them.
- Gender - Can mark if this person is a Male, Female, or Unknown. If left blank it will show "Unspecified" in their profile details.
- Customize Pronouns - Area to add this person's specific pronouns they use if you want. The default will show as "Other" in their profile details.
- Status - You can identify if this person is currently Living or has since passed away (Deceased).
- Birthdate - When this person was born, including a month, day, and year.
- Deathdate - This option will only appear if you mark the person's Status as "Deceased", it also includes a month, day, and year.