Please use this link for current, up-to-date pricing on all of our services:
If you are looking to have your Advantix/APS film cartridges digitized, please note that there are 4 stages of an Advantix/APS film. The details of each stage are provided below:
- Unexposed - No pictures were taken/unused.
- Partially Exposed – Some of the exposures were used. Film needs to be processed, before Forever® can remove the negatives for scanning.
- Fully Exposed - All exposures were used. Film needs to be processed, however, before Forever® can remove the negatives for scanning.
- Processed - Film has been processed and FOREVER® Box can remove the negatives for scanning.
Please note that FOREVER Box is only able to digitize APS/Advantix film cartridges that are at Stage 4.
This image illustrates the different stages of an Advantix/APS film cartridge:
Some additional notes regarding the digitizing of Advantix/APS film cartridges:
- We are unable to do anything with an unexposed (1) roll. It will be sent back to you unprocessed.
- Do NOT attempt to open a cartridge if it is partially or fully exposed (2 or 3), as it will ruin any images on the film.
- If the roll is processed (4), you can attempt to remove the negatives, but we strongly suggest that you don’t, in the fear of ripping or smudging your images.