Q: What is the new Print Guide in FOREVER Artisan®?
A: This Print Guide is a tool that will assist you by calling out FOREVER® Print Shop’s suggested design parameters for a better overall print experience. This new feature can be toggled on and off.
Q: What is the Safe Zone?
A: Though it is new to Artisan®, the Safe Zone is an industry standard for print manufacturing. FOREVER® has placed its Safe Zone ¼” inches from the trim line, so that anything inside that line is safe from being trimmed off or folded. To maximize efficiency, trimming is done mechanically and there is a tolerance of 1/8” on either side of the trim line.
Q: What is the Bleed Area?
A: The Bleed Area is the space beyond the Trim Line where you would extend any background papers, embellishments, or photos that you would like to have go past the Trim Line and “bleed” off the end of the page when they are trimmed.
Q: Will the trim always be inside or outside of the Trim Line?
A: The Print Shop strives to hit that line with accuracy on every project that they print. The “Safe Zone” and “Bleed Area” provide a buffer on each side of that line so that important things don’t get trimmed off or folded, and backgrounds always extend past the trim line.
Q: What do I do if my FOREVER® Digital Art has elements beyond the Safe Zone?
A: Some elements on templates, Blueprints, or predesigned pages are placed close to or beyond the trim line intentionally. If the digital art is editable and you would not like an element to risk being trimmed, you may need to move it in order to accommodate the Safe Zone.
Q: Will this change how I make my products in Artisan®?
A: The addition of the Print Guide has not changed anything about how products are created in Artisan®. The guide is simply a tool to help you design more effectively for the Print Shop. You can still create projects as you did before. If you find that the Print Guide is in the way, you can simply toggle it on or off in the top right-hand corner.
Q: If I leave the Print Guide on, will it print in my project?
A: The Print Guide is a static overlay that is not part of your files. Like the trim and bleed lines, it is visible but will not be part of the final printed product.